

The image above shows a white sphere illuminated by a green distant light (at upper right) and a red local light (lower left).

Objects in a VPython scene must be illuminated to be visible. There can be three kinds of lighting in a VPython scene:

  • Distant lights–point-like lights far away (like the Sun)

  • Local lights–lights close to the objects in the scene

  • Ambient light–uniform diffuse light that illuminates all objects equally

Some care must be taken in changing the illumination in a scene, since if the total lighting intensity exceeds 1 anywhere in the scene the results are unpredictable.


distant_light(direction=vec(0, - 1, 0),
  • direction (vector) – A vector specifying the direction of the light relative to the origin

  • color (vector) – The color of the light emitted.

By default there are automatically two distant lights in a VPython scene.

  • One distant_light has direction < 0.22, 0.44, 0.88> and is a slightly dim white: color.white*0.8

  • The second distant_light has direction < -0.88, -0.22, -0.44> and is a dimmer white: color.white*0.3


local_light(pos=vec(- 3, 1, - 2), color=color.yellow)
  • pos (vector) – The location of the local_light.

  • color (vector) – The color of the light emitted.

A local light can look like a lamp if you put an emissive object at the location of the light.


By default the ambient light is very dim, with color color.white*0.2. You can set scene.ambient to any color, but note that if the total light intensity becomes greater than 1, results may be unpredictable.


scene.lights is a list of the lights in the scene. To see the attributes of the lights:

for i in range( 0, len(scene.lights) ):
        LL = scene.lights[i]
        print( LL.pos, LL.direction, LL.color )

For a distant_light, pos will be undefined, as will direction for a local_light.

To delete all lights from a scene, set scene.lights to an empty list:


Color of lights

If you create a light that is not white, what you see may be very different. A green light can make a white sphere look green and a red sphere look very dark (since the red sphere absorbs green light).

See also

color; emissive