sphere ====== .. image:: images/sphere.jpg .. py:function:: sphere(pos=vec(0,0,0), radius=2, color=color.cyan) :param pos: Position of center. Default <0,0,0>. :type pos: vector :param radius: Default 1. :type radius: scalar :param color: Default *color.white* :type color: vector :param size: Dimensions of a box surrounding the sphere. Default <2,2,2>. :type size: vector :param axis: Default <1,0,0> :type axis: vector A sphere can be made into an ellipsoid by assigning an asymmetrical size. Attributes used less often: .. py:function:: sphere( opacity=0.5, shininess=0.2, texture=textures.wood, make_trail=True, canvas=mycanvas, emissive=False ) :noindex: :param opacity: Default 1.0; Range 0-1. :type opacity: scalar :param shininess: Default 0.6; Range 0-1. :type shininess: scalar :param emissive: Default False. Object glows, losing all shading, if True. :type emissive: boolean :param texture: Default None. :type texture: class element or path :param visible: If False, object is not displayed. Default: True :type visible: boolean :param canvas: Default is *scene*. :type canvas: object :param make_trail: If True, object leaves a trail when moved. See Attaching a Trail for more options. :type make_trail: boolean :param up: A vector perpendicular to the axis. :type up: vector :param group: The group to which this object belongs. :type group: object Although a sphere does have :py:attr:`axis` and :py:attr:`up` attributes, these are not typically useful unless a texture has been applied to the sphere. .. _simple_sphere: simple_sphere ------------- In order to look smooth, a sphere is made of a very large number of triangles. Sometimes speed is more important than ultimate beauty. The simple_sphere object has many fewer triangles than a sphere. It can be used just like a sphere, but a large number of simple_sphere objects is displayed very much faster than the same number of regular spheres. For speed, the simple_sphere object is used in the points object and in trails that use points. .. include:: ./objectSeeAlso.rst