The Camera ========== Every canvas, including the default canvas *scene*, contains a camera. By default, the camera points at the center of the scene, and zooms in or out to get all objects into its field of view. Also by default, the user can zoom in or out, rotate the camera around the scene, and pan up and down or left and right. User control of the camera -------------------------- ``scene.userzoom = True`` User can zoom in and out of the scene. Default *True* ``scene.userspin = True`` User can rotate camera. Default *True* ``scene.userpan = True`` User can pan across the scene. Default *True* ``scene.autoscale = True`` Camera automatically zooms out to keep all objects in view. Default *True* Program control of the view ----------------------------- .. figure:: images/camera.png :width: 500px The diagram above depicts the attributes of *scene* discussed below and indicates their relationships. ```` Location toward which the camera continually looks. Default <0,0,0>. ``scene.forward`` Vector pointing in the direction in which the camera points. Default <0,0,-1>. Magnitude of this vector is ignored. If *scene.forward* is changed, the camera is moved to a position from which *scene.forward* points at **. ``scene.range`` Distance from ```` to edge of canvas. For a rectangular canvas *range* is the shorter of the two possible distances (the *y* direction for a canvas that is wider than it is tall). ``scene.fov`` Field of view of the camera in radians. Changes automatically if *scene.autoscale* is *True*. ``scene.up`` A vector perpendicular to *scene.forward*. By default <0,1,0>. Changing *scene.up* rotates the camera around the z axis. Manipulating the camera directly -------------------------------- .. image:: images/camera2.png You may need to manipulate the camera directly if, for example, you are doing a fly-through of the scene: ```` The position of the camera. Changes automatically if *scene.autoscale* is *True*. Changing ** changes ** to * +*. ```` The current direction in which the camera is pointing. * = -*. Changing ** changes *scene.forward* and **. NOTE: it is possible to point the camera in a direction in which there is nothing to see. ``, axis=myaxis, origin=myorigin)`` ```` Resets the center of the scene to the current position of *myobject*. To turn off following set: ````. .. seealso:: :doc:`canvas`; Rotation